I'm at the airport. Admirals Club OC, trying to wake up with some iced coffee. I haven't been sleeping for shit lately. My back hurts, my mind is working on something, so for the last 2 nights I have gotten up around 130 and have been awake until after 3. When the alarm goes off I am usually sound asleep, but from 11-3 it's not good. I think I am going to take some preemptive tylenol on days when I ride the bike or go to spin.
Keith stayed at Nans last night, they made it to No Cal by lunch time, so he's all under control for now. Bella stayed late at school and I dropped her suitcase of at lindseys on my way to the airport.
I am still pretty obsessively checking my email. I sent my match profile to Dennis's girlfriend for some analysis and revisions, but I guess it's still too intense. I told Dennis to re write it for me, as long as he doesn't try to make me stupid or mention anal sex. I haven't been contacted by anyone from that site in weeks. I am emailing with the hot asian guy, who is really into mountain biking, but nothing is moving towards meeting. I am slightly concerned he may not be attracted to me in person, so we might as well move it to that point and see what happens. I shouldn't be worried about it, but some of his biking pics had some petite girls in the pics, and going with the familiarity rule, I would not be that type.
I am trying to think of what drives me to keep checking the email even though I know it doesn't result in anything. Obviously 99% of the time there is no new messages, and even when there is I sit on it for hours before responding. I feel like some of the correspondence is a reflection of me, or who I am projecting to be based on the response I am getting from the other person. It's a reflection I like, but it's weird, like I am liking the person I might be in there presence. I'm not quite getting that right, but it's a close description.
Anyway I am going to be on good behavior during these meetings, show up on time, keep my mouth shut and keep the drinking to a minimum. Hopefully I'll find some time to work out, if not I'm just going to practice switching around the eating. Today is a good example of doing it right, breakfast, shabu shabu for lunch. I've got about 700 calories left, so more than 1/2 done by the middle of the day.
39 yr old divorced mother of 2. Reclaiming the blog...creative endeavor, a place for analytical thinking, in the absence of academics, as well as free time. I am reminding myself that I do more than chauffeur, laundry and sell scanners.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
More Tuesday

WTF is with kids? I got keith already to go up north with nan and ed. Ed wanted him to take his fin, skateboard and gear. Came home to get it together, can't find helmet, can't find skateboard (!). I called him and he said, after much prodding he left the skateboard in the bushes at the corner the other day when he didn't want to ride it home from Christians. That is BS, he left it there so if he sneaks out he can have it with out making noise. Doood, since when can you treat your stuff that your mom buys you like total garbage. I am honestly hurt buy things like that everytime they happen. Then I regain my resolve and keep my guard up and just get pissed. Fucking teenagers. Does he think I'll ever let him drive a car if he hided is current modes of transport in bushes? Fuck that.
Anyway I am all worked up about that. I drove around like an idiot this afternoon, I thought I had an appointment with the counselor, but no that would be tomorrow, which I cannot make, so I had to reschedule for next week. I was hoping to unload a bunch of shit there today too, but I can manage another week. Drove to get sarah's graduation gift, get keith a decent shirt to wear to it and ate with the kids (who were pretty shitty during the whole thing-FYI). Came home, packed for him, got stuff out of the car, new stuff in the car, gassed up the car, drove over there, switched cars with nan, came home for skateboard incident.
also went to the gym today...there was an earthquake while I was there. The watch is pretty cool tracks all calories and heart rate. I still have to figure out how to eat more in the first 1/2 of the day. I was negative calories after spin. One of the things the instructor does which totally works on me is tells you to imagine your obstacles and beat them up a hill. I totally was imaging this idea that I am lonely riding next to me, me getting a head, it catches up and finally I leave it behind. Sounds so new age and lame but it always works on me, leaving me with the feeling that I can beat anything.
so now I have to pack for myself and get ready for 4 days in vegas. I can't even figure out what to wear tomorrow on the plane, how will I figure out what to pack?
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midlife crisis,
sleepless nights
Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm home today getting some stuff done. Me and the kids are all going somewhere next week and none of us together, so we gotta get the laundry done, packed, straightened up. I got shit to do! so far I've had keith clean his room, 2 loads of laundry (not folded), dishes, unpacked, back of car cleaned up (offshoot of the garage getting straightened up so I had room to do laundry. I've got to put my clothes away, fold laundry, bella's room. O! I also went to the store. I have to pick her up from school, then she has some $ she wants to spend at the disney store. Busy. much to busy to go to work today.
Last night I put my bike on the trainer and road for a while and watched the end of the tour de france. I was sweating immediately, and according to the new watch burned about 300 calories in 35 min. Pretty damn good. It's super loud though....I'm gonna take the bike outside this afternoon and try and track the calories with the watch. Will definitely make me work harder, it better burn as much as being inside.
Nothing else really, got an email this AM from the Asian guy, I think he has a girl friend, what else can explain no email on the weekend. I guess I'll just ask, but there's no real reason for me to care.
I am starting to really hate the celebrity BS of Us magazine and TMZ and all that shit that I read every day. I haven't stopped but, doood it makes me feel dumber everytime I do it. It's so misogynistic and retarded. It has no value, barely entertainment. Just feeds the need for imformation. Imagine if I put as much into gathering info about darfur, climate change, my health, parenting. Dood I'm feeling like an ass right now. I'd totally speak Japanese by now if I put as much time into that as gossip.
Last night I put my bike on the trainer and road for a while and watched the end of the tour de france. I was sweating immediately, and according to the new watch burned about 300 calories in 35 min. Pretty damn good. It's super loud though....I'm gonna take the bike outside this afternoon and try and track the calories with the watch. Will definitely make me work harder, it better burn as much as being inside.
Nothing else really, got an email this AM from the Asian guy, I think he has a girl friend, what else can explain no email on the weekend. I guess I'll just ask, but there's no real reason for me to care.
I am starting to really hate the celebrity BS of Us magazine and TMZ and all that shit that I read every day. I haven't stopped but, doood it makes me feel dumber everytime I do it. It's so misogynistic and retarded. It has no value, barely entertainment. Just feeds the need for imformation. Imagine if I put as much into gathering info about darfur, climate change, my health, parenting. Dood I'm feeling like an ass right now. I'd totally speak Japanese by now if I put as much time into that as gossip.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Killing Airport Time
I've got about 45 min until my flight leaves and I've got no status on Alaskan, so I'm sitting at the gate. I didn't sleep well last night, I had a really weird dream. It was like Kafka on the Shore so I know how it came about, but I felt really scared (in the dream) and like I had to protect the kids-somehow Marie was in it too. I hate it when people recount their dreams, but the weird part is my horoscope this morning said that I had a dream that's hard to shake today.
I was in the room last night, watching TV and semi obsessively checking for email/sms messages. I realized I'm lonely. I don't know why that is hard to say or accept, but it is. I'm sure that's why I do the online dating thing even though it doesn't really accomplish anything, the communication part makes me feel less lonely while it's happening. I'm far away from home, sometimes with friends sometimes not, and it's nice to believe someones wondering about me. Even it if is basically strangers. I am not sure how to get around that, I can accept it, which I think I do, but obviously I'm not surrendering to it, which I think I have to, to really learn from it. When I sit here and think about it the only thing that comes to mind is-- Why? Why doesn't someone care about me? Why doesn't someone want to know what the fuck is going on with me? I know there are plenty of people in my life who care about me, but their roles are specific. Kids-Friends-Family, none are naturally inclined to put me at the top of their list. I don't want to feel like this forever, but at the same time it seems essentially selfish. Can I really expect that from anyone? Especially someone I don't even know? I have to find that person? Wow! I'm not sure what to think of that. I'm going to take the Billie Holiday approach, Good Morning Heartache Sit Down. It's not all that dramatic, but maybe if I just sit with it a while I'll find the lesson.
Anyway, should be an easy flight home I'm going to get a pedicure then got to japanese class...Im thinking of asking lindsey if the kids cans stay with me tonight, but I'm not sure. I don't want to act like my travel is his issue to work with, and I don't know what Bella would prefer. He has them so little he should do some work, but I miss them. I'd also like to ride the bike after class. I guess I'll wait until I get home and then figure it out.
I was in the room last night, watching TV and semi obsessively checking for email/sms messages. I realized I'm lonely. I don't know why that is hard to say or accept, but it is. I'm sure that's why I do the online dating thing even though it doesn't really accomplish anything, the communication part makes me feel less lonely while it's happening. I'm far away from home, sometimes with friends sometimes not, and it's nice to believe someones wondering about me. Even it if is basically strangers. I am not sure how to get around that, I can accept it, which I think I do, but obviously I'm not surrendering to it, which I think I have to, to really learn from it. When I sit here and think about it the only thing that comes to mind is-- Why? Why doesn't someone care about me? Why doesn't someone want to know what the fuck is going on with me? I know there are plenty of people in my life who care about me, but their roles are specific. Kids-Friends-Family, none are naturally inclined to put me at the top of their list. I don't want to feel like this forever, but at the same time it seems essentially selfish. Can I really expect that from anyone? Especially someone I don't even know? I have to find that person? Wow! I'm not sure what to think of that. I'm going to take the Billie Holiday approach, Good Morning Heartache Sit Down. It's not all that dramatic, but maybe if I just sit with it a while I'll find the lesson.
Anyway, should be an easy flight home I'm going to get a pedicure then got to japanese class...Im thinking of asking lindsey if the kids cans stay with me tonight, but I'm not sure. I don't want to act like my travel is his issue to work with, and I don't know what Bella would prefer. He has them so little he should do some work, but I miss them. I'd also like to ride the bike after class. I guess I'll wait until I get home and then figure it out.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Washington Boondoggle
I'm in Olympia today for the ImageSource thing. Yesterday Tets and I drove to seattle and walked around a little, ate lunch, went to the first starbucks, and then fought traffic for 2-3 hours getting to Olympia, I didn't realize how far it was from seattle. The trip to the airport in the morning is going to suck for an 830 flight. I gotta take it easy tonight. Last night we went to a bar-big surprise-but it was good fun. I never talk to Ed Figeroa at work and did for a while last night as well as Kevin and Andi, got some work stuff done to with Dexter.
I realized the other day that this is the first time ever I have believed that I am going to be successful at changing my body. I don't just believe it I actually know it, it's a huge monumental difference and it feels amazing knowing that I am supporting myself inside out. It sounds so trite to write it, but it is a fundamental change.
Feeling a little guilty being away from home, I think about keith and how much time he's spending alone and I don't like it. He's not alone but stopping by the house to get stuff and I'm not there :( I'll be around when he is until school starts and then we'll get back into a home based routine.
I realized the other day that this is the first time ever I have believed that I am going to be successful at changing my body. I don't just believe it I actually know it, it's a huge monumental difference and it feels amazing knowing that I am supporting myself inside out. It sounds so trite to write it, but it is a fundamental change.
Feeling a little guilty being away from home, I think about keith and how much time he's spending alone and I don't like it. He's not alone but stopping by the house to get stuff and I'm not there :( I'll be around when he is until school starts and then we'll get back into a home based routine.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
No big woop
First of all someone read my blog! A stranger! I think I flagged something Japan, and she must of done a blog search. Crazy! Made me want to have other people read it, but of course selectively, strangers only. Knife licker emailed me and I told him there wasn't a connection, good luck and good bye. I am relieved! So weird how every interaction is some how a step in the right direction, exercising discretion, not settling, saying no and walking. Seems so simple but I had no idea how to do that in the past.
I went to Yoga today which is just what my body was asking for 24hr fitness yoga kinda sucks but I over spent last this month, so don't need to be spending $15 for above average yoga right now. The instructor was a tiny cute Asian girl. I though she might be japanese, but as soon as she started talking it was like that episode of Seinfeld where they go to the nail shop, she was tough to understand, like a cartoon Chinese person. Anyway my legs and back are much happier now than they were this morning. Tomorrow is Spin and Bike ride...I asked Maleah about training me and she said yes. So I'm going to have to prepare to get my ass kicked. She's all about changing the eating habits too, so that's gonna be tough, but also get some great results. It's amazing that this is finally going to happen. I am really going to get completely fit. After all these years, I am doing it.
I went with Tets and Takemura and Mac to Stray Cats last night. Really good seats, Tets was in heaven. Said he thought they only existed in the TV. They were such a big deal in Japan, I am sure that has something to do with the current state of his hair :). I guess Lindsey was there last night too, which is funny, I originally didn't want to go because I thought he'd be there, and said Fuck It, done accommodating him. Something else that makes me feel like there's progress, I went, nothing to hide, no drama, and he can see it for himself.
I bought 2 tickets to foo fighters in LV in Sept. Not sure why I went through with it. Will need someone to go with, and will have to go to Vegas. Maybe I'll have a date worthy guy around by then. Can't take Keith, 21 and over only.
So that's it....2 possible internet guys left. 1 Asian guy who's pretty racy in his profile on Chemistry and one kinda middle eastern looking guy who I contacted who's been good in the communication. I shut off Yahoo...Chemistry and Match are gonna come up for renewal any day. I guess I'll kill Match and just go with the flow on Chemistry. Good practice, and nothing else is happening (yet).
I went to Yoga today which is just what my body was asking for 24hr fitness yoga kinda sucks but I over spent last this month, so don't need to be spending $15 for above average yoga right now. The instructor was a tiny cute Asian girl. I though she might be japanese, but as soon as she started talking it was like that episode of Seinfeld where they go to the nail shop, she was tough to understand, like a cartoon Chinese person. Anyway my legs and back are much happier now than they were this morning. Tomorrow is Spin and Bike ride...I asked Maleah about training me and she said yes. So I'm going to have to prepare to get my ass kicked. She's all about changing the eating habits too, so that's gonna be tough, but also get some great results. It's amazing that this is finally going to happen. I am really going to get completely fit. After all these years, I am doing it.
I went with Tets and Takemura and Mac to Stray Cats last night. Really good seats, Tets was in heaven. Said he thought they only existed in the TV. They were such a big deal in Japan, I am sure that has something to do with the current state of his hair :). I guess Lindsey was there last night too, which is funny, I originally didn't want to go because I thought he'd be there, and said Fuck It, done accommodating him. Something else that makes me feel like there's progress, I went, nothing to hide, no drama, and he can see it for himself.
I bought 2 tickets to foo fighters in LV in Sept. Not sure why I went through with it. Will need someone to go with, and will have to go to Vegas. Maybe I'll have a date worthy guy around by then. Can't take Keith, 21 and over only.
So that's it....2 possible internet guys left. 1 Asian guy who's pretty racy in his profile on Chemistry and one kinda middle eastern looking guy who I contacted who's been good in the communication. I shut off Yahoo...Chemistry and Match are gonna come up for renewal any day. I guess I'll kill Match and just go with the flow on Chemistry. Good practice, and nothing else is happening (yet).
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Paranioa and Knife Licking
Yesterday I got all paranoid and weird that people could read the blog, that Tets or Ethan or Dennis found it and were acting differently, so I hid it, but dude a little weird that I should care that much. I made me see again that what is going on with Tets inside my head or as a silent dance partner is much different than the reality. The reminders are good because I don't need to go around acting like a 14 year old girl writing notes, or pining away for someone that isn't there and who shouldn't be.
I went to lunch with an internet guy yesterday. He looked heavy in his photos which was honestly a good thing. But then when I saw him he was heavier in person, and he had the eating habits of a fat woman. I mean believe me I know the signs of food abuse. He licked his knife after cutting something. I should've put a stop to it immediately but I was focused on not discriminating against him for being fat. I know for sure I wouldn't be attracted to him sexually, I'd always see the knife licking and the straw using (what man does that?), so now I have to say no to seeing him again after acting like I wanted to. Lesson learned, think about it before moving on. I am so relieved to get the knife licking off my chest, it was really bothering me.
I sent off the email to Ikeda and his family last night with some details about keith for his trip. keith stayed home last night and we watched a movie which was nice. I told him how proud I was of him for making the changes I've seen over the summer. I hope we can keep doing what we're doing and get him through the next year better than the last. His Dad's so non existent as an influence, he totally doesn't get it. I guess it's enough to for keith to know he's there and that he loves him.
This weekend is the imagesource party, I am glad I'm going, just some good fun, with the A team crew.
I went to lunch with an internet guy yesterday. He looked heavy in his photos which was honestly a good thing. But then when I saw him he was heavier in person, and he had the eating habits of a fat woman. I mean believe me I know the signs of food abuse. He licked his knife after cutting something. I should've put a stop to it immediately but I was focused on not discriminating against him for being fat. I know for sure I wouldn't be attracted to him sexually, I'd always see the knife licking and the straw using (what man does that?), so now I have to say no to seeing him again after acting like I wanted to. Lesson learned, think about it before moving on. I am so relieved to get the knife licking off my chest, it was really bothering me.
I sent off the email to Ikeda and his family last night with some details about keith for his trip. keith stayed home last night and we watched a movie which was nice. I told him how proud I was of him for making the changes I've seen over the summer. I hope we can keep doing what we're doing and get him through the next year better than the last. His Dad's so non existent as an influence, he totally doesn't get it. I guess it's enough to for keith to know he's there and that he loves him.
This weekend is the imagesource party, I am glad I'm going, just some good fun, with the A team crew.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Last night little miss stayed over with Nan at one of Nans friends. Keith and I went out to dinner at cheesecake factory, his choice and to a movie. It was really nice just to do that with the 2 of us. At dinner the waiter asked Keith if I was his mom, he said yes, waiter said-Your Mom's Hot. So funny, Keith didn't seem to thrilled with that. Obviously I was flattered. Movie was fine, Keith was tired and wanted to leave early.
Lunch was good with the guy from Chemistry. Way better looking than he was online. Easy to talk to, we'll see. Also there's a random guy from Yahoo, talked on the phone today, maybe lunch on Monday. Gotta keep the pipeline moving. Tomorrow is the fair with the work peeps. Should be fun, I just hope Lindsey doesn't take the kids, that would be awkward for all.
I was telling Tets about the changes in my measurements (1 1/2 off hips, 3/4 off arms, 1/2 of thighs in 1 month!) he sent me a txt that was really happy and nice, and said "love u more"?!?! probably some engrish, but always makes me realize what kind of relationship my subconscious thinks I have with him. NG...definitely going to get in the way of having a real boyfriend, if I have work boyfriend, which sounds familiar. Work husband got in the way of real husband.
Before Bella got home this afternoon I went on a long bike ride, which felt great. Now of course she's glued to me. Which is lovely, but the absence of it while being at home wasn't bad either. When they are with their dad it's always late in the day, so no day hour experience.
Lunch was good with the guy from Chemistry. Way better looking than he was online. Easy to talk to, we'll see. Also there's a random guy from Yahoo, talked on the phone today, maybe lunch on Monday. Gotta keep the pipeline moving. Tomorrow is the fair with the work peeps. Should be fun, I just hope Lindsey doesn't take the kids, that would be awkward for all.
I was telling Tets about the changes in my measurements (1 1/2 off hips, 3/4 off arms, 1/2 of thighs in 1 month!) he sent me a txt that was really happy and nice, and said "love u more"?!?! probably some engrish, but always makes me realize what kind of relationship my subconscious thinks I have with him. NG...definitely going to get in the way of having a real boyfriend, if I have work boyfriend, which sounds familiar. Work husband got in the way of real husband.
Before Bella got home this afternoon I went on a long bike ride, which felt great. Now of course she's glued to me. Which is lovely, but the absence of it while being at home wasn't bad either. When they are with their dad it's always late in the day, so no day hour experience.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Whatever-Fuck all y'all motherfuckers

I am not sure what's going on today. I got up early since the kids were with their Dad I figured I'd get to work early, but now it's 10:30 and I have most of my work done and I'm sleepy. So obviously I am working towards getting the rest of my work done ;)
We have a training thing in Belgium on Sept 15 and I was trying to extend it a week for Dan Tets and I to make it Oktoberfest, which I assumed was the same week, but it starts on Saturday the 20th and I want to be home, I don't want to be anywhere for 8 or 9 days. Tets is all about Danny going, which would fucking suck if I went because it would be direct repeat of the whole smoking asian boys club of Japan. I told him I couldn't do that, if Danny went then I should stay home, there's no reason for the 3 of us to be in Europe together that the 2 of them couldn't accomplish.
Whatever. Jenn came and asked me what was with he and I yesterday. She was in my office with him and Mennsman, and he was snappy with me. I would guess it's because I'm a little ADD when Marks around, I want to get all the info, and we have a very different short hand than Tets and I do, Whatever. Fuck all y'all motherfuckers. I am not sure why all of that is so aggravating to me. I think Tets is chasing Danny's affection (jealous!) because he left him, but I don't want to be best supporting actress. I am best Lead Actress in a Comedy/Drama.
So I have lunch with a random internet guy, from Chemistry. Should be all right, definitely more upstream in the job area, which will be a nice change. It's a strange balance between who I perceive myself to be instantly compatible with vs. the reality. He's kinda goofy looking in the photos, reminds me of this guy I used to work with who was all ass kisser, hopefully it's slightly different in person.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Work work work workity work work
Not much to report here. At work, getting a lot done over the last few days. Realizing I wasn't doing enough in the last month or so, which is a vicious cycle of feeling unproductive and being unproductive, so I think I have broken that. I haven't spoken with Tets about the whole Onsen incident. He has been camping out in my office a lot, but that's the Mom factor I think. I went to some team meetings in the other building, and started product managing, and I realized how much I missed the job, the social aspect of the other building and being involved in the day to day stuff is hard to do with out :(
I was emailing with the fireman from yahoo a lot while I was gone, but completely lost the desire to meet him, now we've rescheduled a few times and it seems easier to imagine now.
I was emailing with the fireman from yahoo a lot while I was gone, but completely lost the desire to meet him, now we've rescheduled a few times and it seems easier to imagine now.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Housebound Madness
I'm home today, Nan's still sick. Little Miss went to school until 11:45, I went for a quick bike ride, and then a friend came over to play with her, which is good they are pretty self entertaining. It's pretty maddening to be home. I didn't have any coffee this morning (poor planning on my part) and now I'm sleepy and have a headache. I've been getting as much work done as I would in the office, which isn't saying all that much these days.
I was doing my usual internet rounds and saw this guy who looked at my profile on Match. I went out with him in Feb after meeting him on Chemistry. I really liked him and was so new to the online thing, so young and naive with youthful optimism. He seemed great, from Santa Ana, similar musical tastes, easy to talk to, I was attracted to him and it seemed mutual. Lots of texting and phone calls. So 2nd date rolls around, comes to my house to pick me up, dinner kinda sucked (bad service) but he totally made up for it by going through the taco bell drive through after. Back to my house. I was really distracted, felt like the neighbors were watching (lame), and a lot of things were coming up. I mad at the ex for being a jerk and not doing the simplest things that this guy was doing, like opening doors, being interested in what I said, etc. So something was off in the bedroom, but it wasn't just me. He wasn't finishing...and then it turns out he can only finish by himself (!). His wife left him for another woman, and it was obvioulsy something he was hung up on because it came up a little too often. So next day a few nice txts, then one saying we need to talk. He called eventually and said he wanted to know what was going on with me that night, I wasn't there, and I wasn't, but dude, I wasn't the only one who had some other stuff going on. He ended up telling me that was the only way he could finish, and he wasn't really looking for a relationship. I forgot the "I'm an in the moment kinda guy comment" that came out once I had my clothes off. All the phone calls before 2nd date were great, lots of forward talking, really seemed like that's the way good stuff starts out, but not so much. So basically I never spoke to him again, a few txt's initiated by me (before I knew better). I was really angry about it for a long time, unnaturally long given the reality of the situation. I did add to my list of must haves the ability to complete sex vaginally in his honor. So now he's on Match, and knows I'm on Match. I doubt he'll contact me, but I so want to send him a flamer, just to let him know all his crimes against women kind...."I'm one of the good guys" all of that BS. Good guys don't live in the moment and bring up their now guy wife during every conversation with a new woman. I don't feel too angry now, but the aggravation of it all lives on :)
I was doing my usual internet rounds and saw this guy who looked at my profile on Match. I went out with him in Feb after meeting him on Chemistry. I really liked him and was so new to the online thing, so young and naive with youthful optimism. He seemed great, from Santa Ana, similar musical tastes, easy to talk to, I was attracted to him and it seemed mutual. Lots of texting and phone calls. So 2nd date rolls around, comes to my house to pick me up, dinner kinda sucked (bad service) but he totally made up for it by going through the taco bell drive through after. Back to my house. I was really distracted, felt like the neighbors were watching (lame), and a lot of things were coming up. I mad at the ex for being a jerk and not doing the simplest things that this guy was doing, like opening doors, being interested in what I said, etc. So something was off in the bedroom, but it wasn't just me. He wasn't finishing...and then it turns out he can only finish by himself (!). His wife left him for another woman, and it was obvioulsy something he was hung up on because it came up a little too often. So next day a few nice txts, then one saying we need to talk. He called eventually and said he wanted to know what was going on with me that night, I wasn't there, and I wasn't, but dude, I wasn't the only one who had some other stuff going on. He ended up telling me that was the only way he could finish, and he wasn't really looking for a relationship. I forgot the "I'm an in the moment kinda guy comment" that came out once I had my clothes off. All the phone calls before 2nd date were great, lots of forward talking, really seemed like that's the way good stuff starts out, but not so much. So basically I never spoke to him again, a few txt's initiated by me (before I knew better). I was really angry about it for a long time, unnaturally long given the reality of the situation. I did add to my list of must haves the ability to complete sex vaginally in his honor. So now he's on Match, and knows I'm on Match. I doubt he'll contact me, but I so want to send him a flamer, just to let him know all his crimes against women kind...."I'm one of the good guys" all of that BS. Good guys don't live in the moment and bring up their now guy wife during every conversation with a new woman. I don't feel too angry now, but the aggravation of it all lives on :)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Last Night in Japan
I was in Japan until Saturday, on Friday night all of us took the train to Osaka to have dinner with Tets's family. Dinner was nice, everyone trying their best to get to know each other. Tets's Dad suggested we all go to the Onsen, which I figured I could handle, it would be boys and girls separate, so the worst would be me seeing Tets's sister and mother naked and vice versa. So we go and it's pretty awkward. Tets's sister asked me about spa's in the US and if everyones body was more like mine. Ouch. So we go for massages and someone is telling Naoko something about me in Japanese....we get the massages and then sit in the relaxation room. Naoko goes to get in the jacuzzi again, and she tells me I cannot go because I have tattoos, that it's not allowed. Ouch x2.
I wait for her then get dressed/dry my hair etc. We're supposed to meet the men at a designated time, but an hour and half goes by with no word so we walk back to the hotel. about 30 min later there's a txt from Tets saying he didn't know what happened with the time etc. I was really upset, it was so uncomfortable to be in the situation in the first place, and then everything else. Tets has such a bad record with being on time etc, that it felt like disregard. I was hurt. Went to bed, next morning up and ready at designated meeting time, Danny arrives, Tets and Takemura don't. Danny calls and their asleep. Again, the total disregard of time. So Danny and I navigate the trains back to Shinegawa and then the bus and then the airport. Tets txtd and said he was going to come to Narita-which is 5 hrs away from Osaka, and a total waste of his day, I replied not to, it was a waste of his time. Just as we were going through security Danny said Tets was trying to get there but he was still on the Shikansen which is still 2+ hours away, so kinda BS. So there's a lot of reasons I feel upset about it, the week was kinda Boys Time and I felt it, although Danny and Tets were both really sick there's still a lot of smoke breaks where they are making business decisions with out discussing it with me, and lots of times where I feel left out. Also I am aware I have unrealistic expectations on my relationship with Tets....I am clear what kind of relationship it is, but at the same time it meets other needs, and when my needs aren't met it brings up a lot of other junk. I think I'm doing my dance with him and instead of just stopping, I just pause. The worst is I can totally visualize myself dancing like the SNL guys and he's just standing there. So stupid. I've given him a lot of say in my life, and need to stop that, but still somehow balance a healthy friendship and work partnership. I think I do have a right to be mad and hurt but can't really have these kind of expectations, so I'm going to try and figure it out.
Made it home without incident. So tired yesterday but OK today. Today was first day of Japanese class, jumped right in, with writing and some sentence structure. I've got to try and rearrange some travel so I don't miss too many classes.
What else? Some internet prospects have popped up but I have no positive or negative feelings so I am not sure if it'll work out or if it's worth my time...we'll see.
I wait for her then get dressed/dry my hair etc. We're supposed to meet the men at a designated time, but an hour and half goes by with no word so we walk back to the hotel. about 30 min later there's a txt from Tets saying he didn't know what happened with the time etc. I was really upset, it was so uncomfortable to be in the situation in the first place, and then everything else. Tets has such a bad record with being on time etc, that it felt like disregard. I was hurt. Went to bed, next morning up and ready at designated meeting time, Danny arrives, Tets and Takemura don't. Danny calls and their asleep. Again, the total disregard of time. So Danny and I navigate the trains back to Shinegawa and then the bus and then the airport. Tets txtd and said he was going to come to Narita-which is 5 hrs away from Osaka, and a total waste of his day, I replied not to, it was a waste of his time. Just as we were going through security Danny said Tets was trying to get there but he was still on the Shikansen which is still 2+ hours away, so kinda BS. So there's a lot of reasons I feel upset about it, the week was kinda Boys Time and I felt it, although Danny and Tets were both really sick there's still a lot of smoke breaks where they are making business decisions with out discussing it with me, and lots of times where I feel left out. Also I am aware I have unrealistic expectations on my relationship with Tets....I am clear what kind of relationship it is, but at the same time it meets other needs, and when my needs aren't met it brings up a lot of other junk. I think I'm doing my dance with him and instead of just stopping, I just pause. The worst is I can totally visualize myself dancing like the SNL guys and he's just standing there. So stupid. I've given him a lot of say in my life, and need to stop that, but still somehow balance a healthy friendship and work partnership. I think I do have a right to be mad and hurt but can't really have these kind of expectations, so I'm going to try and figure it out.
Made it home without incident. So tired yesterday but OK today. Today was first day of Japanese class, jumped right in, with writing and some sentence structure. I've got to try and rearrange some travel so I don't miss too many classes.
What else? Some internet prospects have popped up but I have no positive or negative feelings so I am not sure if it'll work out or if it's worth my time...we'll see.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Today the blogging thing seems gay. Day 2 of PFU technical training. Tets and Danny were both sick yesterday, they saw the Dr. at PFU and today Danny was better but Tets was still sick.
I was pretty useless in the training, as I was not the presenter and I do not speak Japanese....I should have thought of something more productive to do. They pretty much forget I am around and it makes me wonder if I have been too lazy at work lately and they think they don't need me anymore (!)-totally possible, they need to be independent and survive without me, but I could be on the verge of a revolt if I don't reinstate my value.
When they go out and smoke and generally forget I exist instantly makes me a pouty girl, which I hate to admit and hate to notice, I tried to just experience it and let it go today, not dwelling on it. It seems like I have to remind myself not to do all my old dances anymore. I am sure that will be the case for a lifetime.
Tonight we're having dinner with a friend of Tets to try and get some ideas for good international japan/us businesses/services/Import/Export. I gotta figure out what's next for me and maximize what I've learned so far.
I was pretty useless in the training, as I was not the presenter and I do not speak Japanese....I should have thought of something more productive to do. They pretty much forget I am around and it makes me wonder if I have been too lazy at work lately and they think they don't need me anymore (!)-totally possible, they need to be independent and survive without me, but I could be on the verge of a revolt if I don't reinstate my value.
When they go out and smoke and generally forget I exist instantly makes me a pouty girl, which I hate to admit and hate to notice, I tried to just experience it and let it go today, not dwelling on it. It seems like I have to remind myself not to do all my old dances anymore. I am sure that will be the case for a lifetime.
Tonight we're having dinner with a friend of Tets to try and get some ideas for good international japan/us businesses/services/Import/Export. I gotta figure out what's next for me and maximize what I've learned so far.
Japan day 3
Monday, July 7, 2008
Last night was just right, light dinner (!) a first for me in Japan, the boys had eaten before they left Korea, then to Penguin Jacks, first time for Danny and Takemura, then RAMEN!!! From the little cart out front of the steps that go to the bar. It was good. No beer but Sochu and 4-5 burbons (ouch). Not sure what would've become of me if I kept going. One of those times where it just smacks you all at once, luckily we were on the way back to the hotel by that time.
Went to the gym for a little bit this morning, now this and then clean up and breakfast and work. Its raining pretty heavy right now. The first stop is just outside the hotel, a covered 2 min walk, but 2nd location is a train or two away and a 3 block walk....Swassy!
Went to the gym for a little bit this morning, now this and then clean up and breakfast and work. Its raining pretty heavy right now. The first stop is just outside the hotel, a covered 2 min walk, but 2nd location is a train or two away and a 3 block walk....Swassy!
I'm in Tokyo until Friday, then quick trip to Osaka and back home on Saturday. The flight over was good, got my upgrade, so I was comfortable. The fact that you can only have one position while in coach seems like a form of torture, one that I will endure on the return trip.
I read Eat Pray Love on the way over, a book I've been avoiding for about a year, but I really liked it. I always get weepy on long flights, which is strange because you are not alone, everyone around can see what's going on with you. So the tears are awkward, I had to go into the bathroom and give myself a pep talk in the mirror. I did realize though that the whole on line dating thing is looking for someone to make me feel like everything is going to be OK. So much has happened in the last year, I never talk to the ex, only about the kids and mostly by txt, the problems and anxiety of ending the relationship has left a big vacuum and I know I had the expectation that by ending the marriage a new relationship or a fulfilling social life would magically appear. So it hasn't and that's OK, I know the other idea was a fantasy. I also know that I am OK, the worst has happened, I'm better than before. No stranger on the internet can give that to me. I have to give it to myself. So I think I can do that.
I may be able to separate the "Make me feel OK" desires from other ones, but that takes some more thought. I always remember this talk T and I had in a cab a few months ago (in Korea 'cause I'm an international business woman), we was talking about what he thought he wanted, and realizing it might not happen, Kids, Marriage, etc...the way he said And That's OK, was so full of surrender, the best kind. I hope I can have that too.
Anyway I have a rare few hours to myself here. I sent my laundry to get cleaned and they have called about 20 times to verify the cost and the delivery time. There is such as thing as too much service! So I'll clean up and then hit the streets on my own. Which probably means the train station but good enough.
I read Eat Pray Love on the way over, a book I've been avoiding for about a year, but I really liked it. I always get weepy on long flights, which is strange because you are not alone, everyone around can see what's going on with you. So the tears are awkward, I had to go into the bathroom and give myself a pep talk in the mirror. I did realize though that the whole on line dating thing is looking for someone to make me feel like everything is going to be OK. So much has happened in the last year, I never talk to the ex, only about the kids and mostly by txt, the problems and anxiety of ending the relationship has left a big vacuum and I know I had the expectation that by ending the marriage a new relationship or a fulfilling social life would magically appear. So it hasn't and that's OK, I know the other idea was a fantasy. I also know that I am OK, the worst has happened, I'm better than before. No stranger on the internet can give that to me. I have to give it to myself. So I think I can do that.
I may be able to separate the "Make me feel OK" desires from other ones, but that takes some more thought. I always remember this talk T and I had in a cab a few months ago (in Korea 'cause I'm an international business woman), we was talking about what he thought he wanted, and realizing it might not happen, Kids, Marriage, etc...the way he said And That's OK, was so full of surrender, the best kind. I hope I can have that too.
Anyway I have a rare few hours to myself here. I sent my laundry to get cleaned and they have called about 20 times to verify the cost and the delivery time. There is such as thing as too much service! So I'll clean up and then hit the streets on my own. Which probably means the train station but good enough.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I kinda get why I am doing this, and why no one else has to read it or know it exists...it's like a diary. I obviously need an outlet and this seems better than some of the alternatives.
So today I cleaned up after 4th of July stuff. Laundry, starting to pack for the trip tomorrow, ran some errands like bank, gas, dropped of soccer registration, caught the boy riding around without his helmet. Went to Macy's and experienced the hell of bathing suit shopping.
I have been working out for 5 days a week for a month (and for so long before that too...) gave up beer (took up white wine) dropped soda and kid's junk food but really my body is the same as far as I can tell. And I am always tired. I am not sure they are related, but dooood. I'd love something to budge a little. Went to E's pool and Jenn was there. OMG!!! I can't believe how distracting she is in a bathing suit. I thought I was going gay. Never in my entire life have I looked like that. But Fuck it, I still went in the pool.
So I hate everyone on the internet, they hate me too, so we are even. I've got to get some experience talking to men other places. I told T I was going to force him to go to bars with lots of white guys in Japan we'll see. Some how I think it won't happen. I'll end up basking in the supposed glow of his supposed attention. Sound familiar?
Nothing else really.Quick bike ride to remind me I'm alive, packing, etc.
Oh yeah.sometimes M makes me mad. It's like she only pays attention to her own feelings. When we are on the phone we have our moments of fun and brilliance, but generally, I feel like I carry the support ball.
I'm going to go cold turkey on constant email checking tomorrow, hopefully no seizures or other hard core symptoms.
So today I cleaned up after 4th of July stuff. Laundry, starting to pack for the trip tomorrow, ran some errands like bank, gas, dropped of soccer registration, caught the boy riding around without his helmet. Went to Macy's and experienced the hell of bathing suit shopping.
I have been working out for 5 days a week for a month (and for so long before that too...) gave up beer (took up white wine) dropped soda and kid's junk food but really my body is the same as far as I can tell. And I am always tired. I am not sure they are related, but dooood. I'd love something to budge a little. Went to E's pool and Jenn was there. OMG!!! I can't believe how distracting she is in a bathing suit. I thought I was going gay. Never in my entire life have I looked like that. But Fuck it, I still went in the pool.
So I hate everyone on the internet, they hate me too, so we are even. I've got to get some experience talking to men other places. I told T I was going to force him to go to bars with lots of white guys in Japan we'll see. Some how I think it won't happen. I'll end up basking in the supposed glow of his supposed attention. Sound familiar?
Nothing else really.Quick bike ride to remind me I'm alive, packing, etc.
Oh yeah.sometimes M makes me mad. It's like she only pays attention to her own feelings. When we are on the phone we have our moments of fun and brilliance, but generally, I feel like I carry the support ball.
I'm going to go cold turkey on constant email checking tomorrow, hopefully no seizures or other hard core symptoms.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Its the 4th of July
It getting late here on the 4th of July, little miss is dramatically emphasizing her fear of fire works, the boy is in bed. I am wondering if a bottle of wine is better or worse than 4-5 beers (calorically). Also in the previous posts I realize my spelling is hideous and google should work harder to correct me.
No love from the internet or from the French guy. Whatever. I would like to know what my "options" are in the near future, but I need to get over it. Why is it you can look at some random guy and think you are good match and some how expect him to have the same impression based on a snarky 1000 words or less sum of who you are? There is something clearly insane about that, but somehow since I cannot put the answer into a sound bite I continue. It's like I'm struggling not to drown, but I already know surrender is the only way. Surrender will come and then what? I forget about companionship, sex, potential partnership?....I guess I'll know soon enough.
The boy didn't want to be here today. He only wants to be with his friends and their houses. It makes me sad he's not enjoying his life at home, he's going down my road of separate existences. Not good. I can only gently offer the other options.
I am ready for bed but don't want to sleep w little miss in my bed :( too much snoring. I also don't want to move her, potential melt down.
No love from the internet or from the French guy. Whatever. I would like to know what my "options" are in the near future, but I need to get over it. Why is it you can look at some random guy and think you are good match and some how expect him to have the same impression based on a snarky 1000 words or less sum of who you are? There is something clearly insane about that, but somehow since I cannot put the answer into a sound bite I continue. It's like I'm struggling not to drown, but I already know surrender is the only way. Surrender will come and then what? I forget about companionship, sex, potential partnership?....I guess I'll know soon enough.
The boy didn't want to be here today. He only wants to be with his friends and their houses. It makes me sad he's not enjoying his life at home, he's going down my road of separate existences. Not good. I can only gently offer the other options.
I am ready for bed but don't want to sleep w little miss in my bed :( too much snoring. I also don't want to move her, potential melt down.
Same old...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I am an addict in the making....
Doood...a few hours in and I am posting again. Bad sign. I went on a bike ride today with a ladies group from a bike shop by work. The leader is my spin instructor and today was my worst nightmare, up a big hill that always kicks my ass with her in front of me. I wasn't last (just 2nd to last), finished up the rest of the hilly 18 miles and then went straight for Ramen, all dressed in the worst out fit ever....bike close with pockets across the back. But Ramen is worth it. Total.Satisfaction. Spicy Ramen w Tofu and Nori, gyoza and a small beer. Now I'm home, alone. Little Miss is with her dad and the boy is out w friends, up to no good I am sure. I am contemplating a shower, an ice cream sandwich and strategies to break my online dating site surfing habit. DVR and or a book I guess....I need to put my phone away too. Too much easy access to the internet and the need for male attention to make me feel good. At least my blog loves me :)
You Know How I know I'm Gay?
I started blogging about 5 years too late, and with the hope of absolutely no readership. I guess I'm tired of discussing my "feelings" with friends....probably tired of their logical suggestions for actions that may change my feelings or state of mind. Who needs that anyway?
Basically I am a little bored at work, looking for some answers, and since I know everything I should find them here. God forbid my coworkers or kids find it, so until then....
Basically I am a little bored at work, looking for some answers, and since I know everything I should find them here. God forbid my coworkers or kids find it, so until then....
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