Friday, July 4, 2008

Its the 4th of July

It getting late here on the 4th of July, little miss is dramatically emphasizing her fear of fire works, the boy is in bed. I am wondering if a bottle of wine is better or worse than 4-5 beers (calorically). Also in the previous posts I realize my spelling is hideous and google should work harder to correct me.

No love from the internet or from the French guy. Whatever. I would like to know what my "options" are in the near future, but I need to get over it. Why is it you can look at some random guy and think you are good match and some how expect him to have the same impression based on a snarky 1000 words or less sum of who you are? There is something clearly insane about that, but somehow since I cannot put the answer into a sound bite I continue. It's like I'm struggling not to drown, but I already know surrender is the only way. Surrender will come and then what? I forget about companionship, sex, potential partnership?....I guess I'll know soon enough.

The boy didn't want to be here today. He only wants to be with his friends and their houses. It makes me sad he's not enjoying his life at home, he's going down my road of separate existences. Not good. I can only gently offer the other options.

I am ready for bed but don't want to sleep w little miss in my bed :( too much snoring. I also don't want to move her, potential melt down.

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