WTF is with kids? I got keith already to go up north with nan and ed. Ed wanted him to take his fin, skateboard and gear. Came home to get it together, can't find helmet, can't find skateboard (!). I called him and he said, after much prodding he left the skateboard in the bushes at the corner the other day when he didn't want to ride it home from Christians. That is BS, he left it there so if he sneaks out he can have it with out making noise. Doood, since when can you treat your stuff that your mom buys you like total garbage. I am honestly hurt buy things like that everytime they happen. Then I regain my resolve and keep my guard up and just get pissed. Fucking teenagers. Does he think I'll ever let him drive a car if he hided is current modes of transport in bushes? Fuck that.
Anyway I am all worked up about that. I drove around like an idiot this afternoon, I thought I had an appointment with the counselor, but no that would be tomorrow, which I cannot make, so I had to reschedule for next week. I was hoping to unload a bunch of shit there today too, but I can manage another week. Drove to get sarah's graduation gift, get keith a decent shirt to wear to it and ate with the kids (who were pretty shitty during the whole thing-FYI). Came home, packed for him, got stuff out of the car, new stuff in the car, gassed up the car, drove over there, switched cars with nan, came home for skateboard incident.
also went to the gym today...there was an earthquake while I was there. The watch is pretty cool tracks all calories and heart rate. I still have to figure out how to eat more in the first 1/2 of the day. I was negative calories after spin. One of the things the instructor does which totally works on me is tells you to imagine your obstacles and beat them up a hill. I totally was imaging this idea that I am lonely riding next to me, me getting a head, it catches up and finally I leave it behind. Sounds so new age and lame but it always works on me, leaving me with the feeling that I can beat anything.
so now I have to pack for myself and get ready for 4 days in vegas. I can't even figure out what to wear tomorrow on the plane, how will I figure out what to pack?
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