Monday, July 28, 2008


I'm home today getting some stuff done. Me and the kids are all going somewhere next week and none of us together, so we gotta get the laundry done, packed, straightened up. I got shit to do! so far I've had keith clean his room, 2 loads of laundry (not folded), dishes, unpacked, back of car cleaned up (offshoot of the garage getting straightened up so I had room to do laundry. I've got to put my clothes away, fold laundry, bella's room. O! I also went to the store. I have to pick her up from school, then she has some $ she wants to spend at the disney store. Busy. much to busy to go to work today.

Last night I put my bike on the trainer and road for a while and watched the end of the tour de france. I was sweating immediately, and according to the new watch burned about 300 calories in 35 min. Pretty damn good. It's super loud though....I'm gonna take the bike outside this afternoon and try and track the calories with the watch. Will definitely make me work harder, it better burn as much as being inside.

Nothing else really, got an email this AM from the Asian guy, I think he has a girl friend, what else can explain no email on the weekend. I guess I'll just ask, but there's no real reason for me to care.

I am starting to really hate the celebrity BS of Us magazine and TMZ and all that shit that I read every day. I haven't stopped but, doood it makes me feel dumber everytime I do it. It's so misogynistic and retarded. It has no value, barely entertainment. Just feeds the need for imformation. Imagine if I put as much into gathering info about darfur, climate change, my health, parenting. Dood I'm feeling like an ass right now. I'd totally speak Japanese by now if I put as much time into that as gossip.

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