I'm home today, Nan's still sick. Little Miss went to school until 11:45, I went for a quick bike ride, and then a friend came over to play with her, which is good they are pretty self entertaining. It's pretty maddening to be home. I didn't have any coffee this morning (poor planning on my part) and now I'm sleepy and have a headache. I've been getting as much work done as I would in the office, which isn't saying all that much these days.
I was doing my usual internet rounds and saw this guy who looked at my profile on Match. I went out with him in Feb after meeting him on Chemistry. I really liked him and was so new to the online thing, so young and naive with youthful optimism. He seemed great, from Santa Ana, similar musical tastes, easy to talk to, I was attracted to him and it seemed mutual. Lots of texting and phone calls. So 2nd date rolls around, comes to my house to pick me up, dinner kinda sucked (bad service) but he totally made up for it by going through the taco bell drive through after. Back to my house. I was really distracted, felt like the neighbors were watching (lame), and a lot of things were coming up. I mad at the ex for being a jerk and not doing the simplest things that this guy was doing, like opening doors, being interested in what I said, etc. So something was off in the bedroom, but it wasn't just me. He wasn't finishing...and then it turns out he can only finish by himself (!). His wife left him for another woman, and it was obvioulsy something he was hung up on because it came up a little too often. So next day a few nice txts, then one saying we need to talk. He called eventually and said he wanted to know what was going on with me that night, I wasn't there, and I wasn't, but dude, I wasn't the only one who had some other stuff going on. He ended up telling me that was the only way he could finish, and he wasn't really looking for a relationship. I forgot the "I'm an in the moment kinda guy comment" that came out once I had my clothes off. All the phone calls before 2nd date were great, lots of forward talking, really seemed like that's the way good stuff starts out, but not so much. So basically I never spoke to him again, a few txt's initiated by me (before I knew better). I was really angry about it for a long time, unnaturally long given the reality of the situation. I did add to my list of must haves the ability to complete sex vaginally in his honor. So now he's on Match, and knows I'm on Match. I doubt he'll contact me, but I so want to send him a flamer, just to let him know all his crimes against women kind...."I'm one of the good guys" all of that BS. Good guys don't live in the moment and bring up their now guy wife during every conversation with a new woman. I don't feel too angry now, but the aggravation of it all lives on :)
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