I always end up back here when things aren't where I'd like them to be. I've been reading a few blogs more regularly and see their story has different components but feels similar to mine. So I should tell mine, and I should ask for help or support and I hope I'll get some.
This feels overwhelming at this moment, to put down all the crap on my mind. I'll run a few down quickly and then another in more detail.
1. Kid A (the boy) still a douche, still smoking pot, still doesn't give a fuck about being caught. Running out of options and must follow through on these threats of drug program or boarding school.
2. X is really a douche. Which is well known fact but I still deal with it pretty regularly and I still react in ways that drag out how our marriage was. So many incidents of late to rant on here, but none would be a surprise and none would reveal anything new.
3. Mom. This is the one I will detail. So she has used drugs for all of my life. Mostly pot and pain killers. Now she's in her 60's and has old knee and back injuries. She was to my knowledge working many doctors for many rx's and enjoying a solitary f'd up life, just like she always wanted. BUT it gets better, she is buying methadone from a local neighborhood vato and is oblivious to reality for the most part. Putting that down doesn't feel like anything. The reality is it has made be very sad for a 5 yr old girl who didn't have the people who where supposed to lover her taking care of her. It's made me realize some lies I've been believing about her for too long...she's doing the best she can, she's done better than her mother. Secretly holding out for her grand amends to me. Facing that this is who she is has somehow reflected on me, or my opinion of me. I thought I was holding up pretty well, but this makes me consider the damaged goods label.
I've cried a lot in the last week. I'd like for things to get better this year, I thought they would have turned out differently. They didn't. What can I make happen? No Fairy Tales, no Happy Endings, no help, no relief.
I fear I can't do it all. Can I teach Kid A before it's too late? Can I build a life for myself? Can I do well by Bella in the midst of this? WTF is going on with me? Really!
There are so many stray threads here for me. Many relationships I have repeat the one with my Mom. Unavailable people, people who are available I'm not really interested in. My son dipping his toe in the same pool. It's a relentless future.
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